2024 Sermons

Quick Links to: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December



Don't Forget the Sabbath

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell talks about the Sabbath, its origin, how Jesus related to the day, how it applies in our day, and how it will be observed in the future.





Steve Spooner

Mr. Spooner outlines four steps to deliverance from sin.





Creator and Savior

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell talks about the accuracy and reliability of the Genesis creation account.





The Fourth Beast

Pastor JIm Van Arsdale

Pastor Jim Van Arsdale talks about the fourth beast of Daniel and how it will return again to persecuting the saints.






I Know My Redeemer Lives

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell talks about the story of the Job and the faith that he had in Jesus.





That You May Know

Jim Brackett

Jim Brackett reviews several of Jesus' miracles and then focuses on the healing of the paralytic stressing that Jesus can both forgive sins and heal.




The Gospel According to Revelation

Pastor Alvin Schnell

The book of Revelation is about Jesus from start to finish and echoes themes of both the Old and New Testaments. Pastor Schnell focuses on the similarities and differences between the first Adam and the Second Adam.



The Little Horn

Pastor Jim Van Arsdale

Pastor Van Arsdale talks about the history surrounding the little horn, and others, that are mentioned in Daniel 7:8 complete with pictures from his recent trip to the Vatican and many other historical sites.






Its a Jungle Out There

Jim Miller

Mr. Miller takes us on a trip into the jungle of life where we ultimately get lost and how Jesus can help us get out if we will turn to Him and ask for help.





Steve Spooner

Mr. Spooner talks about how our attitudes can be as important, or even more important, as our actions.





Out of the Depths

Joshua Tate

Mr. Tate tells how, despite a good upbringing, he fell into drug and alcohol addiction and how he found his way back to God and to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.




Honey Child, Please

Pastor Jonathan Smith

Pastor Smith shares the story of the little maid that helped Captain Naaman be healed of leprosy. That she was looking to be kind instead of angry when she was taken from her home and all that was familiar. Young people today can do that too by choosing to be content in their circumstances and look to help others around them.



His Flesh and Blood

Pastor Alvin Schnell








The Martyrs Cry Out

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell starts by talking about the martyrs under the altar mentioned in Revelation, who the symbology represents, and that God gives them white garments of righteousness. He then moves on to discussing the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation and how they also receive white garments of righteousness.




The Breaking of the Day

Pastor Jim Van Arsdale

Pastor Van Arsdale talks about the reformers in the Middle Ages and how each one brought a little more light onto the truth in God's word.




Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell talks about the gospel message, believe in God and you will be saved.





Being Good

Jim Miller

Jim Miller tells two stories, one of a person who thought there were good and one of a person who definitely was not good. One of them found salvation.






Believe Jesus

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell talks about accepting God's gift to us of His salvation in Jesus.





Tough Love

Steve Spooner

Mr. Spooner addresses the love that Jesus talked about in the beatitudes and wants to see us exhibit toward others.




The White Horse

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Stay on the white horse (truth), don't abandon it. Not a works program, but an obedience program.







The Lord's Day

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell shows evidence from the Bible that "the Lord's Day" refers to the seventh-day Sabbath.





Those Who Understand

Pastor Jim Van Arsdale

Pastor Van Arsdale talks about the history of the Waldenses and their faithfulness to scripture for centuries.





Open Arms

Jim Miller

Mr. Miller talks about the gospel of second chances mentioning numerous cases from the Bible.





Opposites or Something Else

Steve Wilhelmsen, Sr.

Mr. Wilhelmsen quizzes the congregation on opposites and argues that some concepts that we call opposites are actually actually a perversion. For instance, evil is just a perversion of good. When Jesus returns all the perversions that the Devi introduced into our world will be destroyed forever.




The Prodigal's Father

Steve Hamous

Mr. Hamous relates the well-known story of the prodigal son and talks about how neither the younger son, as a prodigal, nor the older son represent the attitude that God desires to see in His followers.






An Ordination Sermon

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell speaks of the difficult times ahead as people are already distorting the truth. Each church member should be sharing the truth as God provides opportunities.




Hope for Hypocrites

Steve Spooner

Mr. Spooner continues his series on Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. He presents four examples of people that Jesus classifies hypocrites, those people who live to impress other people rather than God.




Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Wayne Kooser

Mr. Kooser starts with a personal story and transitions into the story of Job and the calamities that befell him and who was responsible for that suffering. He concludes with a series of texts encouraging us with the descriptions of the new heaven and new earth.





Grace Abounding

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell speaks on the abundant grace that Christ offers all of us, grace is not mutually exclusive of the law, and neither are those people in the Old Testament saved in a different manner than those of us today.




ἐλευθερόω (Freedom)

Ray Cisco

Mr. Cisco talks about the Greek word for freedom and then about how freedom of religion is under attack here in the U.S.




Only Believe

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell starts by talking about how we all have fallen natures and that none of us are perfect and finishes by talking about how our only hope is putting our belief in Christ's sacrifice and grace.




Dead or Alive

Pastor Jim Van Arsdale

Pastor Jim tells us about how to be dead to sin and alive to Jesus.





My Brother's Keeper

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell compares the choice of Cain and Abel with the choice that God's people will have between Sunday and Sabbath at the end of time.






Evidence Based Salvation

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell talks about the thief that was crucified at the same time Jesus was and how he accepted the salvation Jesus offers.





Steve Spooner

Mr. Spooner speaks on learning to trust in God.





The Goodness of God

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell talks about the need for repentance stemming from the right reason which is based on God's goodness. 






Closer Than Angels

Pastor Jim Van Arsdale

Pastor Van Arsdale presents a message based on material that Ty Gibson has previously presented. He shares with us how the Bible shows us that in Jesus's kingdom we will be closer to Jesus than the angels.




Our Thank Offering

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell talked about the free gift of salvation that God is offering to everyone who believe in Him.





Almost Surely

Jim Miller

Mr. Miller talks about how so often we talk about how we "almost did something." We don't want to say that about following Christ or being in Heaven.






To Heaven in an Easy Chair

Steve Spooner

A crab apple can be sweet!





Higher Ground

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell talks about the journey of santification which only ends at our glorification at Christ's return. Good works are just a fruit of our relationship with God.





Steve Hamous

Mr. Hamous talked about consecrating ourselves daily and surrendering every morning to God's will.





The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell detailed the work of the "little horn" mentioned in the book of Danile and Jesus' ministry in the heavenly Sanctuary.






The Righteous Shall Live by Faith

Josh Tate

Mr. Tate talked about the need for faith in Christ in order to overcome our sinful inclinations.





Language of Lies

Pastor Jim Van Arsdale

Pastor Van Arsdale talks about how Satan uses partial truth to decieve us.





Everlasting Gospel

Pastor Alvin Schnell

Pastor Schnell talks about the importance of the everlasting gospel starting with Revelation 14:6, the First Angel's message. Other passages used include, Rev 14:12, Rev 22:14, 1 John 4:19, 1 Samual 2:8, Romans 4:2-6, Romans 5:1,2-6, Romans 1:17, Eph 2:10, Is 45:20, 1 Cor 13, Gen 3:15, and Gen 15:6.



The Gavel

Jim Miller

Mr. Miller talks about the danger of judging others and also about God's righteousness judgement.