Seminar Videos

Links to Seminar Series

Claim Your Children Back Revival Seminar (2025)

Health Revival Seminar (2025)

On Evidence for Creation (2023)

Natural Health Remedies (2023)

Heart Health (2023)

Who is God? (2023)

Discover the Heart of God (2023)

True to His Word: Understanding and Defending the Biblical Account of Our Origins (2022)

Revelation Here! (2021)


Claim Your Children Back Revival Seminar (2025)

Presented by Pastor Grant Agadjanian

Over 80% of church members grieve and have become discouraged over children, grandchildren, and family that are no longer in the church and have been lost to the world.  Claim Your Children Back Revival Series will bring joy, peace, hope, healing, and encouragement. It will build your faith in the Word of God which reveals biblical principles for claiming your loved ones for God, how He plans to save them, and what He expects from family and church members.  Watch the Lord unite your church family as you press together for their salvation.  This series is for everyone!  Every Christian in your community, and your friends as well, share the same pain.  They need healing and hope.


Pastor Grant Agadjanian is president of Creative Media Ministries










February 14, 2025

Lost In His Own House

Pastor Grant Agadjanian

Pastor Grant relates the story of the prodigal son which reveals to us the amazing love that God has for us.





February 15, 2025

The Power of the Cross

Pastor Grant Agadjanian

Pastor Grant unpacks the gospel embodied in Jesus and what He did for us on the cross.






Claim Your Children Back

Pastor Grant Agadjanian

Pastor Grant starts by telling the story of how he came to Christ and then expounds on 6 things that we can do to claim our children back into God's kingdom.




Health Revival Seminar (2025)

Presented by Ernie & Kim Layon

of City Exodus Ministries.




January 11, 2025

God's Answer to Every Disease

Ernie Layon

Mr. Layon unpacks the how and why of being well and staying well.





A Work for This Time

Ernie Layon

Mr. Layon talks about the medical mission work.





Natural Kitchen Remedies

Kim Layon

Mrs. Layon describes and demonstrates various natural health remedies.






   On Evidence for Creation (2023)



October 21, 2023

Can we be Friends?

Michael Calcagno

A seminar presentation by Michael Calcagno about various types of symbiotic relationships in nature and what they tell us about God and His creation. NOTE that video clips have been removed due to copyright issues.





Natural Health Remedies (2023)


Presented by Dr. Ivane Hanscom

We are facing an uncertain future.  It's wise to build a natural medicine supply for times of need.  Natural remedies, herbs and treatments have been used for medicinal purposes for over 3,000 years, and are still healing people today.  Learn from Dr. Hanscom how to build your own natural medicine cabinet for treatment of inflammation, disorders, ailments, pain, and emergencies.  There are presentations on other topics too.


Dr. Ivane is a wellness educator with previous experience as an emergency room physician and a general practitioner as well as an expert in homeopathy and naturopathy.  She is from Brazil and has an interest in wilderness medicine and natural remedies.










April 1, 2023


Dr. Ivane Hanscom

Dr. Hanscom talks about guilt and forgiveness and the physical effects they have on the body.





April 1, 2023

God's Pharmacy

Dr. Ivane Hanscom

Dr. Hanscom presents the basic things we can do to live a healthy life style.





April 1, 2023

God's Medicine Cabinet

Dr. Ivane Hanscom

Dr. Hanscom presents natural solutions to address common ills and disorders.





April 2, 2023

Wilderness Emergencies

Dr. Ivane Hanscom

Dr. Hanscom provides numerous tips on how to deal with injury and illness using natural remedies.









Heart Health (2023)

Presented by James Kirtley

March 4, 2023

Part 1: Heart Talk

James Kirtley

In part 1 James Kirtley talks mainly about spiritual heart health.





Part 2: Healing the Heart

James Kirtley

In part 2 James Kirtley talks about physical heart health.








Who is God? (2023)

Presented by Tim Riesenberger


Who is God?  How would you explain God to someone who doesn't believe?  Discover abundant evidence in the natural world, in anatomy, in physiology, and our emotional & mental hard-wiring.  From cutting-edge research to some of the oldest written records on planet Earth, you will learn not only who God is, but also what He is like, and what He thinks about you. Tim also reveals Edenic symbols consistent with the Genesis account in the oldest continually used language of what is now an atheist nation: the gospel from Ancient Chinese!


Tim is an ER physician from the Seattle area.  Originally from an agnostic background, he learned of the Adventist Church while attending a public university.  He has a passion for Christ and for sharing God's Word around the world in places where Christ is not yet know.




February 3, 2023

Secrets to Living Longer

Tim Riesenberger

Tim Risenberger talks about the "Blue Zones" where people have the longest life expectancy and what contributes to that.




February 4, 2023


How do You Decide Which is the Real Truth?

Tim Riesenberger

Tim Riesenberger talks about examples in nature that demonstrate design by a Creator God. Note that a copyrighted video was edited out of this video.



God of My Fathers

Tim Riesenberger

Tim Riesenberger shares how an atheistic culture, the culture of his fathers, knew and wrote so much about the Bible, and yet was written before the Bible.





Discover the Heart of God (2023)











Presented by Joedy Melashenko



January 7, 2023

Would You Rather be Accused of Murder?

Joedy Melashenko

Joedy tells the story of how God has gone through character assassination by Satan.





Can We Trust a Two-edged Sword?, Part 1

Joedy Melashenko

Joedy talks about how we can be confident in the Bible's truth and accuracy.





January 8, 2023

Can We Trust a Two-edged Sword?, Part 2

Joedy Melashenko

In part 2 Joedy goes through Daniel 2 and how it shows us that God knows the end from the beginning.





January 9, 2023

Signs You Can't Ignore!

Joedy Melashenko

Joedy presents the signs, from the Bible, that precede Jesus' return and how those are being fulfilled in current events today.




January 10, 2023

Why So Much Suffering?

Joedy Melashenko

Joedy addresses the topic of why there is suffering and why bad things happen in this world and how that does not negate that God is love.




January 11, 2023

What Happens When You Die?

Joedy Melashenko

In this presentation Joedy addresses the topic of what happens when we die, both the myths and then the truth from the Bible.




January 12, 2023

The Great Escape!

Joedy Melashenko

Joedy talks about the "blessed hope," the second coming of Jesus.





January 13, 2023

A Relationship That Stands the Test of Time

Joedy Melashenko

Joedy talks about God's plan for us to spend weekly time with Him.





January 14, 2023


The Best Is Yet To Come!

Joedy Melashenko

Joedy describes the wonderful things that God has in store for us in the new heaven and the new earth.





True to His Word: Understanding and Defending the Biblical Account of Our Origins (2022)



September 23, 2022

The Tower of Babel and Ancient Man

Michael Calcagno

This presentation looks at evidences of ancient man's intelligence and abilities as revealed by historical documentation and recovered artifacts, in the context of a global population dispersion as recorded in Genesis 10. A look at mankind's 'supposed' primate ancestors reveals the falsehoods associated with evolutionary development.

Note that the "Is Genesis History?" movie trailer had to be removed.


September 24, 2022

Why Apologetics? Why Now?

Michael Calcagno

This presentation looks at the historical development of evolutionary thinking as it relates to society and the culture in general, and the impact such thinking has had on the culture and the subsequent impact on Christian evangelism in today's world.




Noah and Those Pesky Dinosaurs

Michael Calcagno

This presentation looks at the feasibility of a wooden vessel large enough to hold all the many different 'kinds' of animals Noah took aboard the ark. The topic of dinosaurs is then examined from historical, archaeological, and Biblical perspectives.




ROAD TRIP: Evidence of Geologic Catastrophe in the Four Corners Region

Michael Calcagno

In this presentation Michael takes the audience through the Four Corners area and documents lesser-known geologic features which point to a world-wide catastrophic flood as opposed to millions of years of slow processes, confirming the account of the Genesis Flood as being historically accurate and the best overall explanation for the observable evidence.

Note that the "Is Genesis History" movie trailer had to be removed. Also, the Awesome Science video on the effects of cavitation at Glen Canyon Dam had to be removed.

Revelation Here! (2021)

"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show us what must soon take place." ~ Revelation 1:1.


May 1, 2021

The Incredible Book of Revelation and The Metallic Man

Jim Brackett

Jim Brackett gives an introduction to the book of Revelation and talks about the multi-metal man/image of Daniel 2.





May 2, 2021

The Un-secret Rapture, It's Sooner Than You Think!

Jim Brackett

Jim Brackett talks about the secret rapture and Jesus' second coming.





May 3, 2021

The Mark of the 666 Creature

Jim Brackett

Jim Brackett expounds on the terrible creature/beast of Revelation and the number 666 which is associated with that creature/beast.




May 4, 2021

How To Be Dead and Buried and Still Be Alive!

Jim Brackett

Jim Brackett discusses being born again and baptism.





May 5, 2021

What Really Happens When You Die

Jim Brackett

Jim Brackett talks about near death experiences, spiritualism and what really happens when we die.





May 6, 2021

Is God Trying to Scare Hell Out of Us?

Jim Brackett

Jim Brackett addresses a whole host of issues regarding hell and what the Bible has to say about it.





May 7, 2021

The Longest Time Prophecy In the Bible

Jim Brackett

Jim Brackett explains the 2300-day prophecy that is found in Daniel 8.





May 8, 2021

Harlotry In the Church

Jim Brackett

Jim Brackett explores the Sabbath versus Sunday day of worship issue.





Type 2 Diabetes and It's Link to Dementia

Jim Brackett

In this presentation, unrelated to the Revelation Here! seminar, Jim Brackett talks about Type 2 diabetes and its link to dementia.