Valerie Ray talks about sharing God's gifts with others.
Mrs. Van Arsdale tells the story of a boy who trusted that Jesus was always with him.
Valerie Ray talks about her well-worn bibles.
Leann Perks talks about love notes.
Kisha Collins tells the story of how David was courageous by fighting Goliath.
Valerie Ray talks about growing in Jesus.
Ann Schreven talks about her 4 Bibles and encourages the young people to find answers in the Bible for themselves.
Valerie Ray talks about the dangers of greed.
Mr. Johnston talks about roadrunners.
Kisha Collins talks about the relationship between Jacob and Esau.
Pastor Van Arsdale tells a personal story of God's watch care over us.
Valerie Ray talks about how just as a $5 bill still has value when it has been crumpled and torn we too have value in God's sight despite our defects.
Kisha Collins talks about the Israelites at the Red Sea.
Carol Van Arsdale tells the story of a serviceman who had to get up his courage to go ask for Sabbaths off since he was a Seventh-day Adventist.
Angie & Gary Lee tell a modernized version of the story of the Good Samaritan.
Jathen Collins talks about the book of Proverbs.
Carol Van Arsdale tells a story about a time that potatoes preached.
Pastor Jim talks about God's help with small problems.
Angela Lee talks about how even in this imperfect world and even though we make mistakes God still has a plan for us.
Doug Kittleson talks about how we can talk to Jesus.
Mrs. Rose talks about how God takes care of the birds and flowers and so He will take care of us too.
Mr. Collins talks about the Israelites' wilderness sanctuary.
Mr. Rogers tells a story about how God provided in a time of need.
Mrs. Van Arsdale tells a story how God used people to work a miracle to save a mother's life who had been bitten by a snake.